Séminaire international "Topology, Territory and Border Spaces"

27 janvier 2014, La Compagnie, Marseille. Organisateurs : Gabriel Popescu (Indiana University, IMéRA), Cédric Parizot (IMéRA, IREMAM, CNRS-AMU). Séminaire organisé par l’IMéRA dans le cadre de la résidence de Gabriel Popescu (résident de l'IMéRA, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science/Geography, Indiana University South Bend). Partenariat : antiAtlas des Frontières, La Compagnie (lieu de création).

Topology is a branch of mathematics that deals with objects that maintain their shape under deformation. Social scientists have been inspired by topology in trying to understand the nature of territorial changes introduced by globalization. However, the relationship between topology and territory is not straightforward, as the former deals primarily with mathematical properties of space while the latter deals primarily with the social aspects of space. This workshop brings together scholars to engage these issues.

8h45 : Opening of the seminar

9h00-10h30 : Session 1, Lauren Martin (Geographer, University of Oulu, Finland), "Migration, Law, and Territory: A Topological Approach to Borders". Christophe Sohn (Geographer, Public Research Center, CEPS, Luxembourg), "The border assemblage: a conceptual exploration into border's multiplicity". Gabriel Popescu (Geographer, Indiana University & IMéRA), "The topological imagination: Territorializing mobile borders".

10h30-11h00 : Coffee Break

11h00-12h00 : Discussion

12h30-14h00 : Lunch

14h00-16h00 Session 2,  Alessandro Petti (Architect, Decolonizing Architecture Project, West Bank), "Lawless lines". Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary (Geographer, University of Grenoble, France), "The mobile border hypothesis"Stephanie Simon (Geographer, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands), "Border temporalities: The space-time topology of interoperability and situational awareness"Charles Heller (Centre for Research Architecture, Goldsmiths College, University ofLondon/ Watch The Med project), "The Topology of the EU’s Maritime Frontier".

16h00-16h30 : Coffee Break

16h30-17h30 : Discussion 
