Conférence "Delivering Aid Safely"

"Threats to the Safety and Security of Humanitarian Aid Workers"  

21 janvier 2015, 18h, Sciences-Po Aix, amphi Bruno Etienne. With Dr. Bolettino, Executive Director of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative. Conférence présentée par Guy Scoffoni (professeur Aix-Marseille-Université et directeur des Relations Internationales, Sciences-Po Aix) et Fabienne Le Houérou (chercheure CNRS, MMSH-IREMAM, chargée de cours à Sciences-Po en Relations Internationales/Humanitarian Crises).

Delivering Aid Safely : threats to the safety and security of humanitarian aid workers. Humanitarian aid workers face increasing risk in delivering aid in some of the world’s least insecure environments. From Afghanistan to Syria, and Sudan to Somalia, humanitarian aid workers face the daunting task of serving populations in desperate need of support, while risking losing their own lives. This presentation examines the empirical evidence of attacks on humanitarian aid workers and considers the implications for the future of humanitarian aid.

Dr. Bollettino is Executive Director of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative. Dr. Bollettino has twenty years of professional and academic experience in international politics, humanitarian action, human security and peacebuilding. He has spent that past ten years of his career at Harvard University in administration, teaching, and research. He has managed several large training and policy development initiatives related to international humanitarian law, responsibility to protect, and peace building operations and has designed several reporting systems and program evaluations for field security measures in complex emergencies. Dr. Bollettino has authored several publications related to disaster management and humanitarian assistance, and has consulted with numerous international nongovernmental organization and UN agencies.
