Photo @ Hosny Salah, Pixabay
Séminaire de recherche Palestine Israël #2 - Bigamy regulation in colonial context
Mercredi 19 octobre 2022, 14h-16h, MMSH, salle André Raymond et en visioconférene : lien Zoom / ID de réunion : 829 1301 9222 / Code secret : 132914
Avec Rawiya Abu Rabia, Sapir College, chargée du projet "De la polygamie à la frontière : stratégies d’alliance, droit et processus de frontiérisation en Israël Palestine (1967-2021)" en partenariat avec AMIDEX et le CRFJ.
Rawiya Abu Rabia présentera son dernier article: "Settler colonial regulation of bigamous marriage across the Israeli/Palestinian border", Territory, Politics, Governance.
This article examines how settler colonial states selectively enforce the law to pursue the goals of land acquisition and demographic control, focusing on Israel’s response to cross-border polygamy as practiced by Bedouins in Israel. Based on archival research and extensive textual analysis of policy debates within the Israeli authorities during the 1980s, it uncovers the selective enforcement of bigamy laws in cases involving Palestinian women, also exploring how the state manipulates ‘security’ and ‘demographic’ concerns. These manipulations are a manifestation of state power, which is applied
similarly to all Palestinians across the Israeli/Palestinian border.
Rawiya Abu Rabia is an Assistant Professor of law at Sapir College School of Law. She earned her Ph.D. from the Faculty of Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in an interdisciplinary doctoral program “Human Rights under Pressure- Ethics, Law, and Politics” which was jointly held by the Hebrew University and the Freie Universität Berlin. Aburabia received her LL.M in International Human Rights Law from the American University Washington College of Law, Washington, DC. Rawia Aburabia teaches and researches in the fields of family law, international human rights law, feminist jurisprudence, and minority rights. She has received several awards for her academic and feminist work. She was awarded the Ma'of scholarship of the council of higher education for outstanding Arab Scholars (2020), and the Polonsky post-doctoral fellowship (2019). Rawia Aburabia was selected by Globes Magazine's “40 under 40” most promising young leaders in Israel (2018), and by 972 Magazine's “Person of the Year: Woman Activists of the Arab World” (2011). She practiced as a human rights attorney for the Association for Civil Rights in Israel and has been at the forefront of several civil rights initiatives, concerning the unrecognized Bedouin villages and Bedouin women’s rights in Israel.